

How we experience data is not what it used to be. An effective dashboard is great, but it’s not the solution to every problem. You want to get more value from your data, do more with your data, and enable others to work with data in more ways. That’s why Looker provides more options to help you unleash more powerful data experiences.

Modern BI & analytics

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Integrated insights

Enhance the tools you’re already using by infusing new, relevant data. Unify and empower your teams to make more effective, data-informed decisions.

Data-driven workflows

Super-charge operational workflows with complete, near-real time data. Save time and money by putting your data to work in every part of your business.


Provide a purpose-built tool that users need, while creating data experiences that people love.

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Multi-cloud and the power of choice

We are committed to a multi-cloud strategy and will continue to support multiple data sources and deployment methods to provide customers choice without compromising on transparency, security, and privacy.

Choose your database

We connect with Redshift, Snowflake, BigQuery, as well as 50+ supported SQL dialects, so you can connect to multiple databases, avoid database lock-in, and maintain multi-cloud data environments.


We understand how important it is to have freedom in your technology stack. Looker supports hosting on Public Clouds like AWS and GCP, and in multi-cloud and hybrid environments.

Choose your workflow

We offer custom applications, embedded visualizations, data science workflows, and more so you can securely deliver data and analytics to the people and systems that need it most, the way that works best.

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A better read on driving revenue

king is a customer

Raising their customer retention game

twilio is a customer

Developing a single source of truth

avant is a customer

Spending more time on true analysis

The latest G2 Crowd Report compares the leading BI and Analytics software tools and solutions based on adoption, ROI and customer reviews.

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Looker ranked as “exceeds expectations” by reference customers in the Forrester Wave™: Enterprise BI Platforms (Vendor-Managed), Q3 2024.

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100% of customers recommend Looker in BARC’s The BI Survey 19.

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Secure and governed. A single source of truth for all.

One platform

Data experiences to meet every department's need. Give everyone a unified view of what is happening.

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Quick time-to-value

Get running in just a few days using pre-built applications and blocks to speed up custom work.

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Smarter operating

Engaging data visualizations pushed into your workflow at exactly the moment you need them.

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See how GetYourGuide scales their growing data needs with Looker.

simply business

UK insurance broker Simply Business does business intelligence better.


Developer forum Stack Overflow spends more time on thinking and action.


Business intelligence, big data analytics, or a 360° view of your customers. Whatever you need, Looker can help. Talk to our data experts.

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